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Sphere Consultation


Chemin de Poussy 4, 1214 Vernier CH, Switzerland


Event date: 3 October 2017

Venue: IFRC office, Ikea, Route de Pré-Bois 1, Geneva.

Face to face consultation Draft 2; Shelter and settlement Sphere standards 2018

Open event upon registration (please note limited space). Please register here.

The event will present an opportunity to debate key issues on the latest Draft of the Shelter and Settlement chapter of the Sphere standards 2018 and is open to practitioners and thematic experts upon registration. 

Process so far: Since Feb this year has been facilitating a revision process of the Sphere handbook.  Draft 0 was created by the co-authors, with the inputs from the peer review group a Draft 1 was created.  This draft was opened for global online survey and consultation in combination with face to face consultations facilitated by partners across the globe.  These extensive inputs and discourses highlighted that expectations from Shelter and Settlement (NFI) assistance has evolved immensely since the 2011 standards were drafted. 

Upcoming DRAFT 2: With the inputs gained to date from the various channels, writing groups were formed for each Standard and Draft 2 composed.  This will be soon be shared widely as DRAFT 2. 

The agenda: proposes Draft 2 incorporates few substantial changes and this event is an opportunity to debate and assemble points of views. This half-day session will facilitate focused discussion on each standard together with session on essential concepts and the structure of the chapter.  We hope you can join us in shaping the future of our sector.  For your reference below is the current contents sheet of the chapter. 

 Shelter and settlement Sphere standards 2018 DRAFT2;

Introduction / essential concepts

  Standards:

  • Strategy development
  • Shelter and Settlement assistance options
  • Implementation modality
  • Security of tenure
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Location and site/ settlement / neighbourhood planning
  • Habitable living space
  • Technical assistance and Quality Assurance

Thank you for your engagement, looking forward to working with you . Please note that this will be a face to face event, other ways to input online will be announced shortly.

 Any queries please contact Co authors; Ela Serdaroglu (IFRC)  and Seki Hirano(CRS);

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