In regions Ukraine and Europe



UKRAINE: Shelter/NFI Cluster Factsheet No 15 (June 2016)

UKRAINE: Shelter/NFI Cluster Factsheet No 15 (June 2016)
Anonymous (not verified)
Shelter Cluster

HIGHLIGHTS· Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) puts renewed focus on durable solutions:  On the 31st of May, SAG members met to orient the strategic direction of the Cluster until the end 2016. There was robust discussion on capacity building for Donetsk and Luhansk regional authorities, the development of the cluster’s transition plan, and durable solutions for conflict affected and displaced populations in the protracted crisis. In addition to focusing on light, medium, heavy, and pilot reconstruction projects, the SAG discussed modalities of assistance to the crisis affected and displaced population to increase housing affordability and to ensure that needs of people with disabilities are met through current housing options. Please, see SAG web page for details (presentation, meeting notes, and draft papers).· Damage Database Updates: In February 2016 Shelter Cluster in cooperation with Donetsk and Luhansk administrations and partners has launched damage database at house address level to improve coordination on repairs. Shelter Cluster partners including ADRA, Arche Nova, DRC, ICRC, Luxembourg Red Cross, Mercy Corps, People in Need, and UNHCR have contributed to a database consisting of 17,806 addresses as of June. The database has also grown through the Sub-national Cluster’s referral system and the inputs of regional and local authorities.· Sub-national Cluster Referrals Available Online: The Shelter Cluster has facilitated easy access to monitor and respond to emergency referrals in the area of winterization and shelter repairs by providing an interactive online map.· Shelter Cluster Factsheet on Collective Centres: Following a monitoring of 271 Collective Centres, the Shelter Cluster has published an overview of the current situation with Collective Centres in Ukraine. In Government controlled areas 6,518 persons were reported residing in these centres. 52 of the monitored centres have closed since the start of the crisis (with 32 closing during 2015-16) mainly due to financial struggles and seasonal use of such centres. The monitoring revealed that 700 people were facing risk of eviction. In addition to statistics on collective centres and an overview of the current challenges for IDPs residing there, the factsheet also provides a review of legal provisions, case studies, and recommendations for partners attempting to provide durable solutions for people residing in collective centres.