Shelter Cash and Markets Community of Practice

The Shelter Cash and Markets Community of Practice (CoP) is a voluntary group consisting of individuals with expertise and interest in cash and market based programming related to humanitarian shelter responses. From 2015 - 2020, the Global Shelter Cluster convened a Cash Working Group that brought together practitioners to exchange ideas and experience, engaged in advocacy efforts, and provided technical support and guidance on various issues related to cash interventions and shelter responses. Key resources can be found here. In October 2020, it was agreed at the Global Shelter Cluster annual meeting that the Cash Working Group had largely met its original objectives, and that the Working Group would be deactivated, with a Community of Practice (CoP) set up in order to provide a forum for practitioners to continue to exchange, share lessons, and provide technical input in the area of cash and markets in shelter responses.
The Cash and Markets Shelter Community of Practice (CoP) will serve as an entry point to knowledge, resources and technical support related to the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in shelter responses, and engagement in market analysis and market-based programming within the shelter sector.
The Cash and Markets Shelter CoP will be co-moderated initially by the Australian Red Cross and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). All individuals with an interest in cash and markets within the shelter sector are invited to join as members of the CoP and to contribute actively.
The function of the Cash and Markets Shelter CoP will be:
Remote desk support to country-level clusters and practitioners on specific topics, issues, and challenges related to cash and markets
Share updated resources, guidelines, tools and emerging best practices related to cash and markets in shelter responses
Identification of issues that need to be addressed by other GSC bodies: WGs, the SAG, the Support Team
Facilitate discussions and exchange on common problems, with the aim to harmonise practices and enhance a common approach
A forum for validation and review of key guidelines, tools and resources within the shelter sector
Membership and Participation:
Active participation is encouraged from both individuals that represent agencies and independents that are engaged or interested in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in shelter responses, and market analysis and market-based programming within the sector.
Conversation threads can be initiated by any registered member pending approval by a moderator(s). These threads may dealt with the Global Shelter Cluster’s CoP approach
Although composed of individuals, the legitimacy of the CoP, and any agreed outcomes, derives from endorsement by members representing their agencies. The answers provided by CoPs are in good faith but neither the Global Shelter Cluster nor its leads or partner agencies can be liable for any damage caused by the information provided.
To join the CoP, you should do the following:
Create an account on
Click ‘Follow’ on the left hand side of the Shelter Cash and Markets CoP landing page
You will now be able to create and reply to discussions within the CoP