In regions Mali and Africa and in group Africa

Mali - Factsheets


March 2021

La population PDIs s'est accrue de 311,193 personnes à 332,957 en Décembre 2020, soit une hausse de 21,764 individus sur les chiffres précédents. Cette croissance s’explique par la fragilité des conditions sécuritaires dans les régions de Ségou, Mopti, Tombouctou, Gao, Ménaka et la bande frontalière du Liptako Gourma au cours des derniers mois, générant de déplacements continus.

  • 19 partners
  • $10.6 M (1%) required (funded)
  • 0.2 M / 42 676 / 5 423 people in need / targeted / reached(HH)

December 2020

En dépit de la transition démocratique du gouvernement malien, les conflits et les violences perpétrés par les groupes armés ont de répercussions sur les populations civiles. Dans certaines localités de régions du centre, notamment à Farabougou, il existe de familles vulnérables contraintes au refus au déplacement et à l'accès à l'aide humanitaire.

  • 14 partners
  • $13.0 M (8%) required (funded)
  • 0.7 M / 0.2 M / 0.1 M people in need / targeted / reached

July 2020

La crise multidimensionnelle et prolongée de 2012 qui a secoué le Mali, constitue une trouble pour la survie de populations vulnérables en situation de déplacements spontanés et continus. Le cycle de mouvement des populations a atteint un score pic de 250,998 personnes déplacées internes (PDIs) en Avril 2020 contre environ 207,750 PDIs en fin 2019 et 80,300 PDIs en fin 2018 d'après les sources de la Commission du Mouvement de Populations (CMP) et de la DTM (Displacement Tracking Matrix).

  • 9 partners
  • $13.0 M (8%) required (funded)
  • 0.7 M / 0.2 M / 66 836 people in need / targeted / reached

April 2020

The Inter-community upheaval in the north and central Mali reported by humanitarian workers and regional authorities during the fourth quarter remains challenging despite the peaceful efforts and a National framework organized by the government to consolidate mediation synergies in the mid December 2019. This situation followed by the presence of unknown military groups and the circulation of small calibers continues to raise the issue of spontaneous displacements. Adding to that, the lack of durable solutions and the humanitarian access.

  • 14 partners
  • 0.8 M / 0.2 M / 66 854 people in need / targeted / reached

January 2020

The Inter-community upheaval in the north and central Mali reported by humanitarian workers and regional authorities during the fourth quarter remains challenging despite the peaceful efforts and a National framework organized by the government to consolidate mediation synergies in the mid December 2019. This situation followed by the presence of unknown military groups and the circulation of small calibers continues to raise the issue of spontaneous displacements. Adding to that, the lack of durable solutions and the humanitarian access.

  • 14 partners
  • $4.2 M (9%) required (funded)
  • 0.4 M / 0.1 M people in need / targeted

November 2019

The natural disaster and conflict continue to raise significantly the number of Internally Displaced Persons in Mali. As a of 30th September, the overall number of IDPs in Mali is estimated around 187,139 people. The crisis and the security issues throughout inner and Northern belt of Mali is far sustaining and this scenario coupled with the natural hazards impact over extremely vulnerable populations who lost their livelihoods and lack basic core relief items in regards of Shelter and Non food items.

  • 14 partners
  • $4.2 M (9%) required (funded)
  • 0.4 M / 0.1 M people in need / targeted

July 2019

Shelter Cluster of Mali

  • 14 partners
  • $3.8 M (8%) required (funded)
  • 0.5 M / 0.1 M people in need / targeted