In regions Iraq and MENA and in group Iraq


Strategic Advisory Groups

2020-06 Factsheet

< Apr 2020
June 2020
Jul 2020 >


  • In May, close to 9,000 IDPs living in critical shelter outside of camps in Dohuk governorate were provided with Sealing Off Kits by Caritas Czech Republic through IHF funding, with full respect for COVID-19 mitigation measures, providing individual distributions and training for HHs.
  • Shelter Cluster Iraq has extended its support to health and CCCM actors who need tents for medical or COVID-19 screening purposes outside and in camps, along with full support for quarantine and isolation areas in IDP camps and regularly participates at camp-level multi-cluster discussions on their set-up and management.

    The Iraq Shelter Cluster’s strategy for the COVID-19 response has been expanded, to align with the Health Cluster scenario planning, where a collapse of the health system is envisaged, should cases increasingly overwhelm current government structures. In certain governorates, IDPs returning to their camp of residence, had to quarantine inside their tent, where social distancing for 14 days was very challenging. Similarly, other inadequate living spaces such as informal sites may be overcrowded, posing a risk if people cannot properly self-isolate from the rest of their family or community. Hence, the Shelter Cluster plans to provide temporary shelter (tents) and basic household items for quarantine and isolation areas either in IDP camps, and/or adjacent to existing health facilities, so as to help decongestion while respecting strict IPC protocols.



Coverage against targets

Need analysis

As per the IOM-led DTM report, 1.38 million IDPs and 4.71 million Returnees have been identified across the country, from Jan 2014 to June 2020

The number of IDPs continues to decrease (from 2.6 million as of Dec 2017 to 1.38 million as of June 2020); while the numbers of returnees has increased (from 3.2 million, end of Dec.2017 to 4.71 million, end of Jun.2020).

  • 24% of those IDPs are in camps, while 68% are currently in private settings (in rented accommodation or with host families); 8% remain in critical shelter arrangements (unfinished/abandoned building; school/religious buildings and informal settlements).
  • 95% of the returnees are in their habitual residence, 1% in private settings while 4% live in critical shelter arrangement such as informal settlements, unfinished and abandoned buildings, schools, religious structures


Out of the overall SNFI Cluster target of 524,750 individuals, 77,458 (46%) have been assisted with NFI kits; 22,088 (6%) have benefited from shelter interventions:

  • 44,710 people living in camps and informal settlements have been reached with NFI kits; 4,751 people have been provided with emergency shelter interventions.
  • 6,646 returnees have been reached with NFI kits; 5,182 people were assisted with either emergency repairs of War Damaged Shelter (WDS) or provided with Sealing-off Kits.


  • The Iraq Shelter Cluster has closely worked with Health Cluster, WHO and other relevant ICCG members to prepare an operational guideline on how to set up and manage Quarantine and isolation areas in IDP camps, which is curently being used for such purpuses.
  • In several IDP camps, CCCM actors have started preparing for quarantine and isolation areas would COVID-19 cases be detected with Shelter Cluster supporting as needed. In four camps in Ninewa and Kirkuk a capacity for up to 80 (39+41 in Laylan 1, Kirkuk, reported in AI) quarantine cases has already been set up.


Gaps / challenges

  • Movement restrictions and lockdowns imposed due to COVID-19 have significantly hampered partners’ ability to reach all those targeted with assistance through the 2020 HRP.
  • Since mid-March, life-saving activities for almost 100,000 people 10 have been put on hold: 21,600 IDPs in camps and 51,786 IDP out-of-camps remain without critical shelter and NFI assistance. at a time when many people are unable to afford rent and thus risk eviction.  Very limited access to all locations in Iraq challenges have kept the status quo in camps - crowded conditions and exposure to harsh weather including flood risks. Stabilization programmes have also been halted, with 1,141 war-damaged shelter repairs currently on hold.
  • Many items procured before the COVID-19 measures have not been distributed. Partners have had to re-allocate resources to keep staffing at adequate levels and fund storage expenses until distributions can resume with permission from local authorities.