In regions Africa and Mozambique and in group Mozambique

Mozambique - TC Freddy 2023


2023-06 Factsheet - Mozambique - TC Freddy 2023

June 2023
Feb 2024 >


From moments before the first impact of Tropical Cyclone Freddy, humanitarian agencies concentrated their efforts on preparation and immediate support to the provinces most at risk, Sofala and Zambezia. Deployment of human resources, prepositioning of stocks, interagency meetings and with local authorities allowed a quick action after the event occurred. The first response actions referred to search and rescue actions, evacuations and first aid. The coverage of basic needs was initially provided in the accommodation centers, which as of March 26, 2023 registered 123,000 people admitted to 134 active centers in 5 provinces. 

After the second impact of the cyclone, which had the province of Zambezia as its epicenter, the main humanitarian coordination platforms were concentrated in this province, where the first needs assessments were also carried out in the MIRA modality. 



Need analysis

The particularity of the event (2 landfalls) generated a high number of people displaced from their homes since the first alerts were disseminated. This situation of people housed in accommodation centers spread over time due to difficulties in accessing their communities of origin, either due to damage to roads and routes, as well as large flooded areas and partially or totally destroyed houses. This situation placed the affected families in need of receiving (among others) non-food items.  

In addition, to improve security and housing conditions, there was also a need for different tools and tarpaulins, particularly as rain continued to fall as the cyclone returned to the Mozambique channel.  


In response to the impacts generated by tropical cyclone Freddy, the humanitarian agencies that make up the Shelter cluster have concentrated their efforts on covering immediate needs through the distribution of non-food items, as well as tools and other articles aimed at facilitating repairs that would allow maintain a safe haven. Oriented already to the rehabilitation stage, organizations work together with local governments to improve housing conditions in safe areas in different provinces. The response actions are expected to continue during the months of August and September while the Shelter Cluster develops coordination and preparation activities for the next rainy season. 

NFIs distributed included: blankets, mats, capulanas (a garment worn by women with multiple functions), lamps, torch, kitchen sets, buckets, jerrycans, mosquito nets among others. 

Shelter items included: Shelter tools (- Roofing Nails, Hoe, Hand saw, Machete, Tie wire, Tin snips, Nails long, Claw, hammer), tarps, plastic sheets, plastic roll, ropes,  

Gaps / challenges

This rainy season has created particular challenges for the humanitarian response, since the first floods caused by heavy rains began in mid-February, severely impacting the Maputo province. People who had already moved from their homes to accommodation centers later saw their return to their communities of origin delayed with the first warnings of the arrival of tropical cyclone Freddy. This situation was repeated later in a similar way for the rest of the provinces at risk, and a large number of people were unable to return to their homes in the period between the first landfall and the second. This situation limited the development of needs assessments at the community level, the challenge being greater for areas where access by land was impossible for up to a month after the second impact. The lack of access to accurate information that this situation generated also had consequences when requesting resources from different donors, resulting in low financial coverage of the emergency. In terms of gaps, it is projected that humanitarian assistance for the shelter sector will not reach 40% of people in need. In any case, even in August, efforts and response actions continue to be carried out to reach the greatest number of people possible with the resources available.