In regions Ethiopia and Africa and in groups Ethiopia and Africa



Ethiopia detailed shelter response profile: local building cultures for sustainable and resilient habitats

Ethiopia detailed shelter response profile: local building cultures for sustainable and resilient habitats
Case study
Technical Support and Design
Cross-Cutting Issues
The Global Shelter Cluster Technical Working Group | CRAterre
Government and regulatory policy Resource Mobilization Maps and GIS Infographic Curated Technical Guidance Design Specifications Shelter Programming Early Recovery Protection Livestock Environment Gender Housing, Land, and Property Rights Recovery Reconstruction Development Bamboo Concrete Masonry Metal Sheeting Organic Enclosures Plastic Sheeting Steel Timber Built Environment Professionals Community Participation Construction Methods Owner Driven Permanent Housing Repairs and Retrofitting Risk Reduction Transitional Shelter Urban Planning Winterization No legal status Non-displaced Owner-occupier Rentals and tenants Stoves, Fuel, and Lighting No-build Zones Example Guidance Different Languages

SEVILLANO GUTIERREZ, Enrique, MURTAGH, Victoria, CRÉTÉ, Eugénie, 2018. Detailed shelter response profile Ethiopia: local building cultures for sustainable and resilient habitats. Villefontaine : CRAterre. 60 p.


CRAterre and its partners have been working for several years on the elaboration and the diffusion of a local building cultures identification method, especially with regards to their contribution to Disaster Risk Reduction. This work aims at facilitating the identification of their strengths and weaknesses and of the opportunities they offer, in order to promote them – in an adapted version if necessary – in habitat reconstruction or improvement projects. This document was elaborated at the occasion of this research project. It introduces reference data on local building cultures and local sociocultural resilient strategies that should be considered when designing and implementing habitat or DRR projects. It aims at helping stakeholders in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of local buildings and in raising awareness among their partners. This factsheet is to be considered as a basis for the elaboration of project-specific strategies. It must be completed by field surveys to exchange with local actors and by further research on the working area specificities. The potentials and stakes deeply differ from a place to another and stakeholders will benefit from the collected data in order to take comprehensive and accurate decisions.