Shelter Cluster Snapshot - Gaza - February 2022
Over 44,000 households whose housing units were partially damaged during the May 2021 escalation were provided repair assistance through cash grants by several shelter actors, while 2,636 are still in progress leaving a gap in repair of 3,085 housing units and around 10,000 families not compensated for repair of minor damages.
The reconstruction of totally destroyed shelters is still going very slow, where only 95 housing units are at the initial stages of re-construction by funding from Qatar Reconstruction Committee, although funding is almost secured to reconstruct around 250 units for refugees, and initially pledged for reconstruction of 670 HU leaving a total gap of reconstruction of 673 Units.
The transitional Shelter Cash Assistance (TSCA) has been provided to IDP families until March 2022, however, additional funding for TSCA is required to around 1,000 families still internally displaced