Shelter Cash and Markets Community of Practice

Shelter, Cash and Markets CoP Call - #2


Please join us for the next call of the Shelter, Cash and Markets Community of Practice on Tuesday 3rd August at 14.00 - 15.00 (Geneva)!

During the call we’ll be focusing in on market assessments, and hearing from practitioners on their experience conducting shelter-focused market assessments in Colombia and Lebanon, as well as sharing some resources.


1. CoP Updates (Survey results; MPCA outcome indicators for S/NFI)

2. Experience sharing on shelter market assessments: a) Colombia (REACH); b) Lebanon (Caritas Switzerland); c) Q&A; d) Market assessment resources)

3. AOB (training materials on cash and shelter)

We looking forward to seeing you there!

Leeanne and Jenny

Co-facilitators of the Shelter, Cash and Markets CoP

Next Steps:

Event Date: Tuesday 3rd August 2021, 14.00 - 15.00 (Geneva) 

Click here to join the meeting



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