In regions Syria and MENA and in groups Syria and Whole of Syria

Syria Hub


2022-03 Factsheet - Syria Hub

< Dec 2021
March 2022
Jun 2022 >
Left: Installation of new/ replacement of existing tents in Ar-Raqqa, credit: UNHCR. Right: Winterization items distributions in Idleb, credit: INTERSOS.




  • HPC 2022: The shelter sector supported the WoS SNFI sectors to draft and finalise the humanitarian needs overview (HNO) and humanitarian response plan (HRP) for SNFI for 2022. The sector also consulted key partners to revise the sector logframe to reflect the 2022 response.
  • Household Survey: The shelter sector re-submitted a request to relevant authorities to permit the undertaking of HH level shelter and NFI needs assessment across GoS controlled areas. The sector will follow up with authorities on this request in 2022.
  • Dar’a Al Balad Damage Assessment: Following the shelter sector facilitated Dar’a Al Balad (DAB) damage assessment and release of associated findings, , the sector undertook advocacy efforts, through bilateral donor engagements, to secure funds for a DAB response.

Noon-food Items

  • 2021 HNO: 13.4 million people are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance with 2.6 million people in need of NFI support, an 8.5% increase from 2020.



Need analysis


  • HPC 2022-2023: The Shelter Sector participated in finalizing Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for SNFI for 2022-2023. The SNFI chapter was revised by Syria hub coordinators. 17 shelter projects were submitted by Syria Hub partners and vetted by the sector. The total target for 2022 by Syria Hub actors is 1.34 M beneficiaries with total appeal of USD 95.7M.
  • Participatory Self-Evaluation: The shelter sector initiated an evaluation for 2021 projects across the country to measure their impact, effectiveness, and constraints. The evaluation includes FGD, KII and PDMs. The first stage was completed by end of February while the final report should be issued by End of April.
  • Sub-national Coordination: the sub-national WG at Damascus and Rural Damascus level was activated in January. With this new WG, the shelter sector is being represented by 6 sub-national WGs covering all governorates.

Noon-food items

  • The overall NFI PiN has increased by 5 per cent in 2022 to 4.91 million. Unaffordability is the main driver of need, with 67 per cent of the population reporting that they are unable to afford NFIs available in the marketplace.




  • Cash for Shelter: in collaboration with UNHCR and ICRC, shelter sector drafted a concept note for utilizing cash in shelter response. The document was endorsed by CLA and sent to MoLAE for review.
  • New Shelter Activities: in consultation with sub-national coordinators and shelter partners, 2022 plans included new activities of fire mitigation measures in shelter response and solar-systems at HH level. These two activities are considered based on the proven needs of beneficiaries specially with the severe shortage in power supply and recent fire hazards.

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  • Coordination: a sector meeting took place on 12 March to discuss the 2022 NFI strategy, in addition an overview on 2021 achievements and a presentation of analysis of 2022 appeal, also to go through the updates on the winter activities and plans.
  • HRP 2022: WoS coordination team presented an analysis of HRP 2022-23. The targeting gap to the people in need stands at 40% And only 5% of the funding requested was secured which leaves funding gap of 95%.
  • UN agencies are by far the largest contributors to funding requirement of the sector.
  • Winter update: NFI partners are finalizing the winter assistance covering this winter season and as of March 2022 over 188K households were reached. Partners reported to the planning sheet. 2.5 million individuals are in need of winter assistance all over the country. While the total target for 21-22 winterization is over1.87 million, & the estimated funding gap is over USD 60 million.
  • Sector Post Distribution Monitoring:Sector is working with counterparts at sub-national level to determine the partners who are undertaking PDM for the 2021 NFI response and making efforts to aggregate PDM analysis at national level.



Gaps / challenges


  • Significant economic decline coupled with price fluctuation has resulted in a decreasing scope and/or target of shelter projects.
  • Diminishing coping capacities of both IDPs and host communities as well as limited financial resources of government and sector partners are leading to an increase in shelter needs.
  • COVID-19 related restrictions and emerging need to provide higher standards for spaces and WASH facilities increase the cost and duration for shelter projects.
  • Lengthy processes continue for obtaining official approval for shelter projects and associated beneficiary lists.
  • Opportunities for systematic field-based data collection remain limited due to access restrictions, resulting in incomplete needs

Noon-food items

  • The inflation rate continues to pose challenges to partners particularly in procuring items.
  • Based on Post Distribution Monitoring, beneficiaries have reported concerns over the quality of items and delayed distribution of seasonal items.
  • Access and safety continue to be challenges in some parts of the country as well as partner capacity and funding.