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Syria Hub


2022-12 Factsheet - Syria Hub

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Heaters distribution during winterization response




  • Humanitarian Needs Overview [HNO] 2023: The multi-sectoral needs assessment (MSNA) and associated Humanitarian Needs Overview have been finalized and published with SNFI sector chapter and findings prepared in a consultative process with national and sub-national actors. The number of people in need of shelter assistance has increased (from the previous year) by 7% to 3M people.  

Noon-food Items

  • Humanitarian Needs Overview [HNO] 2023: Based on the outcomes of the MSNA [Multi-Sector Needs Analysis], the NFI sector has supported the development of the HNO (Humanitarian Needs Overview). The HNO, issued in December, indicates that 15.3M are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance, with 3.6M people requiring NFI assistance across the Syria HCT area (an increase of 629,961 i.e. 21%.)



Need analysis



  • HNO 2023: The multi-sectoral needs assessment (MSNA) and associated Humanitarian Needs Overview have been finalized and published with SNFI sector chapter and findings prepared in a consultative process with national and sub-national actors. The number of people in need of shelter assistance has increased (from the previous year) by 7% to 3M people. 


  • 2023 HRP: The 2023 partner appeal for the Humanitarian Response plan yielded 17 projects with shelter components. Vetting took place on 11 December by the strategic and technical review committee composed of 6 partners, in addition to OCHA and the shelter sector coordinator. The resulting appeal for the shelter sector in the Syria HCT area for 2023 is USD 95.9M.
  • Streamlined Approval Process: The shelter sector, in collaboration with UNHCR, arranged and facilitated (with MoLAE) a one-day planning & coordination workshop joining officials from Governorate offices, partners, and shelter coordinators at national and sub-national levels. The workshop discussed 2023 shelter needs, plans, and introduced the new approval process designed to expedite and facilitate procedures required to implement shelter projects. The new process will be followed in 2023 and evaluated periodically.
  • Syria Environmental Profile: The shelter sector, in collaboration with GSC, has released the request for consultants to work on an environmental study for construction materials and methods in humanitarian response in Syria. This study forms one pilar of the Syria environmental profile that the sector is working on, while the other pillar will target energy consumption.


Noon-food items


  • Humanitarian Needs Overview [HNO]: Based on the outcomes of the MSNA [Multi-Sector Needs Analysis], the NFI sector has supported the development of the HNO (Humanitarian Needs Overview). The HNO, issued in December, indicates that 15.3M are estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance, with 3.6M people requiring NFI assistance across the Syria HCT area (an increase of 629,961 i.e. 21%.)
  • Sector Strategy 2023-24: The NFI sector strategy has been revised with enhanced structure, definition, and guidance on targeting approaches for both Core and Winter NFI assistance. The concept of ‘pre-winter reach’ has been introduced during the winter planning of the 2022-23 and accepted as standard.



  • HH Solar Energy: The TWiG reached the final draft of the technical guidelines for this new activity after discussing it with shelter sector partners. The draft was shared line Ministry (MoLAE) for endorsement.
  • NES tents: The advocacy efforts by the shelter sector and UNHCR led to securing the needed family tents in NES camps and settlements in 2022/2023. To avoid a similar gap in the coming years, the shelter sector, through a dedicated taskforce, is discussing potential alternatives to tents with an enhanced sustainability.

Noon-food items

  • NFI Response: As of the end of quarter four, sector partners reached 1.8M vulnerable people with Core and Winter NFI assistance across 14 Governorates, with Damascus, Aleppo, and Al-Hasakeh being highest. The funding gap for the sector at end of Q4 stands at 50% of the total requirement.
  • Winter NFI Response: The winter response began in Sep/Oct with an aim to target and reach the most vulnerable population in geographic areas with the highest winter needs. As of the end of December, approximately 556k individuals have been reached. The funding gap for the winter response currently stands at 85%, a historic low for this stage of winter response.

Gaps / challenges


  • Significant economic decline coupled with price fluctuation has resulted in a decreasing scope and/or target of shelter projects.
  • Diminishing coping capacities of both IDPs and host communities as well as limited financial resources of government and sector partners are leading to an increase in shelter needs.

Noon-food items

  • The departure of two primary NFI sector members from gift-in-kind (GIK) interventions has resulted in considerable gap in meeting critical winter clothing needs, especially for children in camp like settings.
  • The funding gap for winterization 2022-23 stands at 85%.
  • The inflation rate continues to pose challenges to partners particularly in procuring items.
  • Access and safety continue to be challenges in some parts of the country as well as partner capacity and funding.