In region Global and in group Global Shelter Cluster

Working Group on NFI practices


Global Shelter Cluster Study on NFI Pipelines

Reneé Wynveen · Wed, 10/28/2020 - 17:59

The Global Shelter Cluster is collaborating with IMPACT Initiatives on a study to better document best practices and lessons learned on the use of pipelines in the Shelter and NFI response. 

The consultancy for this contract is open until the 29th of October 2020, so please see this link if you or someone you know is interested and qualified for this study:

The consultancy will be useful as part of the work of the NFI WG and will seek to answer the following questions: 

  1. When does an NFI pipeline add value and when it doesn’t
  2. What kind of logistics capacity is required in country to set up a successful common pipeline? What indicators should I look for if I am thinking of setting up a common pipeline or if I am asked as Shelter Cluster Coordinator to include this in my strategy?
  3. How to adapt pipelines to contextualisation in the response?
  4. Different types of NFI pipelines 
  5. Roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders
  6. How to operate an NFI Pipeline: Standard Operating Procedures
  7. Key documents needed and examples of them
  8. Do’s and Don’t’s

What questions do you have for the consultant and what are key asks that will help your operations in the field?