In regions Yemen and MENA and in group Yemen


Working Groups
Strategic Advisory Groups

2022-12 Factsheet - Yemen

< Sep 2022
December 2022
Mar 2023 >
1. Shelter practitioners participating in the Shelter Cluster Training in Marib Governorate. © Shelter Cluster/ John Wain


  • YSC section in the Humanitarian Response Plan 2023 estimated an overall target of 3.3 million vulnerable people with a total financial requirement of $250 million.
  • During the fourth quarter of 2022, Shelter Cluster assisted 1,539,121 IDPs, returnees, and vulnerable host community members.
  • YSC received $3.6 million from the 3rd Reserve Allocation 2022 of the Yemen Humanitarian Fund to replenish the sector common pipeline, provide shelter maintenance and updates, flood mitigation solutions and advance durable shelter solutions.
  • YSC delivered 3 training programmes in Sana’a, Aden, and Marib on Shelter needs assessment, market assessment, and protection mainstreaming in Shelter and NFI programming.
  • The Shelter TWiG released its house rehabilitation guideline presenting programme design and recommendations in accordance with international standards and specificities of the context in Yemen.



Coverage against targets

Need analysis

  • The Humanitarian Needs Overview 2023 has been released. The Yemen Shelter Cluster (YSC) estimates that 7.5 million people reside in inadequate shelter conditions, often without essential household items, a 2% increase since 2022. Of the people in need, over 5.3 million people are in acute shelter needs, which presents an increase of 23%. Locations with catastrophic conditions also rose from 21 to 34 districts compared to 2022.
  • YSC section in the Humanitarian Response Plan 2023 estimated an overall target of 3.3 million vulnerable people with a total financial requirement of $250 million. The plan presented life-saving emergency shelter and NFI responses and other programmes critical to ensure protection and timely assistance from climate emergencies and enhance the living conditions of crisis-affected populations through the provision of durable shelter and NFI solutions, advancing their security of tenure, and minimizing environmental impact.


  • During the fourth quarter of 2022, Shelter Cluster assisted 1,539,121 IDPs, returnees, and vulnerable host community members.
  • The Shelter Cluster Common Pipeline managed to review and release 20 requests of 6515 NFI kits and 3530 emergency shelter kits successfully distributed by 12 partners.
  • YSC received $3.6 million from the 3rd Reserve Allocation 2022 of the Yemen Humanitarian Fund to replenish the sector common pipeline, provide shelter maintenance and updates, flood mitigation solutions and advance durable shelter solutions.
  • Tri-cluster+ approach (Incl. CCCM, Shelter, Wash, Protection) upon request from authorities is progressing a discussion on a pilot initiative in 12 IDP settlements severely affected by flooding annually to understand the intention of the site's residents and identify appropriate solutions.
  • YSC delivered 3 training programmes in Sana’a, Aden, and Marib on Shelter needs assessment, market assessment, and protection mainstreaming in Shelter and NFI programming. These programmes were participated by more than 70 staff cluster members.
  • The Shelter TWiG released its house rehabilitation guideline presenting programme design and recommendations in accordance with international standards and specificities of the context in Yemen.
  • YSC established a new sub-national cluster in AlMukha supported by DRC to cover critical locations on the west coast of Yemen. Recruitment of a coordinator is in progress.

Gaps / challenges

  • YSC remains underfunded, with 23% of funding received out of $225 million requested in 2022.
  • Eviction threats are rising in IDP hosting sites.