In region Global and in group Global Shelter Cluster

Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Shelter Programming Working Group


All Under One Roof review and update

Leeanne ·

As many of you are aware, the working group is
currently in the process of reviewing the 'All
Under One Roof: Disability inclusive shelter and settlements in emergencies' guidelines
, a key guidance document for the sector.  All Under One Roof was developed in 2015 and contains a great
deal of useful information and tools to support more inclusive programming, but there are areas to be updated and potential to strengthen the guidelines.

We would like to continue to reach out to anyone familiar with the guidelines. If you would like to be involved or give your feedback, please
contact us or
 complete this short survey


The valuable input of shelter practitioners will help us to understand how the guidelines are currently being used and how we can improve them to support your programming.