Shelter Cash and Markets Community of Practice
REMINDER Shelter, Cash and Markets CoP call: Tuesday 5 April 2022
Dear Shelter, Cash and Markets CoP colleagues,
We are looking forward to connecting with you on the next Shelter, Cash and Markets Community of Practice call tomorrow - Tuesday 5 April at 10:00 GVA (18:00 MEL).
The main focus of this call will be on market based programming and shelter, however we will also have some time to discuss any relevant CVA activities taking place around the Ukraine response.
The agenda is:
1. Introductions
2. Overview of Market Based Programming and presentation of draft guidance note, with our Markets in Crisis (MiC) CoP colleagues
3. Discussion of shelter based markets
4. Opportunity for updates and sharing around the use of CVA in Ukraine operations
5. AOB
We look forward to hearing your input on these items, but also please share any other items that you would like to discuss or share with colleagues.
We looking forward to seeing you there!
Jenny and Leeanne
Co-facilitators of the Shelter, Cash and Markets CoP
Click here to join the meeting
Event Date: Tuesday 5 April 2022 10:00 GVA