Philippines Typhoons 2024
New Round 5W Data Collection - Deadline Wednesday 18th

On behalf of the Philippine Shelter Cluster, I kindly invite all partners in Shelter to complete the revised version of the 5W form (version Dec 16) on behalf of your organization. Your contribution will help enhance the clarity and effectiveness of Shelter activities within the 2024 Typhoon and Flood Response.
OCHA is conducting another round of information collection before the Christmas holidays, with a submission deadline set for December 18th. To support OCHA's efforts and ensure our collective inputs are represented in the inter-cluster 5W assessment, we kindly request you to complete and submit the 5W form by Wednesday, December 18th.
We fully understand this is a short deadline and are here to support you as needed. If we can make the process easier, such as by coordinating a call to assist with filling out the form, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Please find a link to the 5W template below and return it to
Thank you very much for your cooperation and continued commitment to supporting Shelter Cluster activities.
Warm wishes,
Emie Klein Holkenborg
Shelter Cluster Information Management Coordinator
Shelter Cluster Information Management Coordinator