Philippines Typhoons 2024
Cluster Partners
This page provides an overview of the current Shelter Cluster partners.
Would you like to connect with us as well? Please be contact us to through our Contact Form and/or contact us directly.
Disclaimer: this page is carefully put together to this stage, however, is still under construction. Meaning it might not yet include your organization yet. Also, if you like to include or change any of your organization's information, please let us know.
Contact us: or +639209778196 (Emie Klein Holkenborg - Information Management Coordinator).
CARE has been providing emergency relief and development assistance in the Philippines since 1949. Over the years, the organization has developed strong working relations with local communities and local non-government organizations throughout the country.
CARE Philippines responds to major and minor emergencies within the country which includes typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and displacements. For our responses, CARE works closely with our partners on the ground to develop a comprehensive risk assessment to know the specific needs of the affected population.
CARE collaborates with ACCORD on the Shelter activities in the Typhoon & Flood Response 2024.
Social Media:
CARE Philippines
CARE Philippines
Visit the website of CARE Philippines
CARE has been providing emergency relief and development assistance in the Philippines since 1949. Over the years, the organization has developed strong working relations with local communities and local non-government organizations throughout the country.
CARE Philippines responds to major and minor emergencies within the country which includes typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and displacements. For our responses, CARE works closely with our partners on the ground to develop a comprehensive risk assessment to know the specific needs of the affected population.
CARE collaborates with ACCORD on the Shelter activities in the Typhoon & Flood Response 2024.
Social Media:
Caritas Philippines

Caritas Philippines
Visit the website of Caritas Philippines
The National Secretariat for Social Action (NASSA)/Caritas Philippines is the humanitarian, development and advocacy arm of the Catholic Church in the Philippines. It was created by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) in 1966 and mandated to accompany the poor and marginalized in the just and legitimate struggle for social justice and transformation.
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CCI France-Philippines
CCI France-Philippines
Established in 1988, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Philippines is a non-profit and self-sustaining organization.
Our mission is to serve our 175+members and enhance business relations between France and the Philippines. Located in the business district of Makati, the Chamber provides a wide range of business support services to better approach the French and Filipino market.
As one of the core leaders and forefront runners in pioneering the institution of the French Community in the Philippines, the Chamber continuously perseveres to strengthen and boost the links between the members of our network. By establishing prestigious events every year to promote this community and expand our network on a more global scale while showcasing France and the Philippines.
CCI collaborates with OXFAM on the Shelter activities in the Typhoon & Flood Response 2024.
Social Media:
Coastal Core
Coastal Core
Visit the Coastal Core Facebook page
This Facebook page is set up as a sharing platform for NGOs, LGUs, POs and community leaders working on Community Based Natural Resource Management, DRR & CCA
CRS - Catholic Relief Services
CRS - Catholic Relief Services
Visit the website of Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. We are motivated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cherish, preserve and uphold the sacredness and dignity of all human life, foster charity and justice, and embody Catholic social and moral teaching as we act to:
PROMOTE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies; and,
SERVE CATHOLICS IN THE UNITED STATES as they live their faith in solidarity with their brothers and sisters around the world.
As part of the universal mission of the Catholic Church, we work with local, national and international Catholic institutions and structures, as well as other organizations, to assist people on the basis of need, not creed, race or nationality.
Approved by the Catholic Relief Services Board of Directors on September 11, 2008. We put our faith into action to help the world’s poorest create lasting change.
Social Media:
IOM - UN Migration
IOM - UN Migration
Visit the website of IOM Philippines
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) established its operations in the Philippines in 1975. Across the country, IOM provides a comprehensive response to the humanitarian needs of migrants, internally displaced persons, returnees and host communities through humanitarian direct assistance, recreational activities, and a variety of other efforts.
The IOM Philippines Country Office is a member of the UN Country Team/Humanitarian Country Team (UN CT/HCT) and is the co-lead agency of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster for internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Social Media:
OXFAM Philippines
OXFAM Philippines
Visit the website of OXFAM Philippines
We at Oxfam Philippines are dreaming and working for a future where Filipinos are free from poverty.
For more than 30 years, serving in a country where close to 27 million now live in poverty, we have relied on the power of people to carry out programs designed to achieve our shared vision.
Central to our strategy is working with partners to transform the unequal power relations, structures, norms, and values that cause poverty and inequality, including gender-based violence and injustice. We strive to apply a feminist lens to all our analyses and actions. We seek to save lives, provide access to services, and reduce the impact of disasters, particularly on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.
We belong to the larger Oxfam family of 20 organizations networked with partners and grassroots communities in more than 90 countries. We are part of a global movement for genuine change, seeking to rid the world of the scourge of poverty, with gender justice at the core of what we do.
OXFAM collaborates with CCI, ReboothPH, COM, PDRRN, CBD and Coastal Core on the Shelter activities in the Typhoon & Flood Response 2024.
Social Media:
Formerly the pampanga disaster response network or PDRN, was initially organized in May 1991.
PDRRN works in partnership with vulnerable groups and other stakeholders towards building the capacity of communities to effectively protect them from harm.
We envision a society where women, men and children live in safe communities; where there is equal access to resources and opportunities for active involvement in the development processes, regardless of ethnicity, ideology, gender and faith.
PDRRN collaborates with OXFAM on the Shelter activities in the Typhoon & Flood Response 2024.
Social Media:
Philippine Red Cross
Philippine Red Cross
Visit the website of Philippine Red Cross
The Philippine Red Cross will provide a sustained and effective humanitarian service committed to build resilient communities, ran by well-trained and dedicated staff and volunteers imbued with integrity, equipped with the necessary logistics and the maximum usage of information technology. We will continue to expand our volunteer network in every part of the country to ensure swift delivery of our services.
To be the foremost humanitarian organization ready to meet the challenges and capable of rapid delivery of humanitarian services in order to prevent and alleviate human suffering and uplift the dignity of the most vulnerable.
Social Media:
Rebooth Philippines
Rebooth Philippines
RebootPH is a youth-powered organization advocating for the Philippine just energy transition. We engage people from different walks of life towards our shared aspiration: a society powered by clean, secure, and accessible electricity.
RebootPH collaborates with OXFAM on the Shelter activities in the Typhoon & Flood Response 2024.
Learn more about Reboot Philippines
Social Media:
ShelterBox Operations Philippines
ShelterBox Operations Philippines
Visit the website of ShelterBox Operations Philippines
ShelterBox Operations Philippines is a non-government organization (NGO) that aims to provide emergency shelter for families affected by disasters in the Philippines.
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