Shelter Projects Working Group
Shelter Projects Photo Competition 2018
Shelter Projects Photography Competition 2018
The submission period is now closed. Winners for each category have been published on the back cover of the 2017-2018 edition. Scroll down to see the pictures!
Category 1 - Long-term impacts of shelter
Dalxiska settlement in Kismayo, Somalia. This settlement has grown with several influxes of conflict- and drought-affected people over the past years, to become a dense neighborhood of the fourth largest city in Somalia.
The shelter reconstruction project developed the new settlement "Sundarbasti" where people have started the "Home Stay Program" as a part of their livelihoods. Tarakeshwor Rural Municipality, Nuwakot, Nepal.
The recovery project constructed the "safe evacuation shelters" to provide safe spaces to the people in flood prone areas. These are on higher ground and have a raised water supply system and latrines. Raptisonari Rural Municipality, Banke, Nepal.
During last monsoon, due to landslides several houses had to shift to nearby locations. Friendship NGO conducted tree plantation and vegetable gardening which will hopefully protect the area during future monsoon. Kutupalong, Cox’s bazar, Bangladesh.
The small cluster of shelters includes water and sanitation facilities, drainage for wastewater, vegetable gardening and solar lighting for security at night. All together it’s more than just shelter. Kutupalong, Cox’s bazar, Bangladesh.
Shelters can’t protect affected people for long if they are not built strongly enough. Kutupalong, Cox’s bazar, Bangladesh.
Evidence of the ni-Vanuatu people successfully preparing for the cyclone by protecting the roofs with palm branches. Tanna Island, Vanuatu.
Ibrahim Adam holds his son, standing in front of the only home remaining in his extended family following floods that devastated many parts of this cut off community in Kogi State.
Karabo Ntisane, 18, stands in front of her home in Mafateng district, Lesotho. After her father passed away at a very young age and her mother left to find work, Karabo has had to become a parent to her two sisters too young. Lesotho Red Cross has helped roof her house, given her food and supported her with her school fees. This has allowed her to focus on her dreams.
Fatima Maji and her daughter, Adama stand in front of their new home being built by the Nigerian Red Cross.
Shelters are spaces that ensure the development of the capacities of the beneficiaries and that allow the coordination between government and international agencies. Taken in the context of the response to the volcanic eruption in Guatemala.
Shelters are spaces that ensure the development of the capacities of the beneficiaries and that allow the coordination between government and international agencies. Taken in the context of the response to the volcanic eruption in Guatemala.
Despite the stress of displacement and illness, Halima is relieved her babies were born healthy. The shelter came just in time for the birth of her twin girls. Borno State, Nigeria.
Women participating in the construction of durable shelters with compressed earth blocks. Kigwena, Burundi.
Rows of rehabilitated shelters stretch down the length of Wau protection of civilians (PoC) site, South Sudan, as life develops around them: washing is hung, awnings are built for shade and flags are flown to create markers of where certain houses are situated.
An older woman and younger children sit on a hill overlooking the camp’s shelters. Built quickly to provide protection from the weather, much of these makeshift structures still exist with some improvements, as Rohingya refugees still fear to return home. Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
Young sisters stand in their makeshift shelter in a Rohingya displacement camp. They do not leave the shelter without parents or other guardians supervision and so are eager for improvements to be made to their shelter constructed from bamboo and plastic sheeting. Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
Shelter rehabilitation (construction of communal shelters) in Zone B of Wau PoC site, South Sudan.
Beneficiary during interview on how shelter upgrades have improved her living conditions. Wau, South Sudan.
Construction worker from IDP community working on communal shelter construction. Wau, South Sudan.
Category 2 - Gender, diversity and inclusion
Female masons take the skill test conducted by the government led vocational training institute to certify their skill after the 240 hours vocational training on masonry work. Nuwakot, Nepal.
Female masons attending the practical session of mason training for earthquake resistant construction. Dolakha, Nepal.
Women preparing mortar for the masonry work for the reconstruction of her own home. Nuwakot, Nepal.
Education for all at the Friendship Learning Centre for Rohingya children in Kutupalong, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
The culture of West Sumatra is matriarchal. Women made many of the decisions and were generally in control of the family finances.
Women participating in a mixed construction workshop shortly after Cyclone Pam. Anewa Island, Vanuatu.
Joy holds her newborn baby girl, delivered only three days earlier. They sit in a dark, humid and cramped building – a displacement camp in Anambra State after the floods in September. This space is shared with up to 20 other people.
Abdalla Erewua, 75, is blind. He survived two attacks on his community in Guyaku, Nigeria, in 2014 and lost his home, livelihood and son. In just a few weeks, Abdalla will be able to walk into his new home for the first time.
Development for all. Rohingya refugees receive essential items in Kutupalong, Ukhia, Cox's Bazar.
Shelter first responders. New arrivals start clearing and preparing the plots of land allocated to them for the construction of temporary shelters. Kutupalong expansion, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
Children, youth and adults socialize inside the Shelter of Alotenango Guatemala. There is always space for diversity.
Children and adults enjoy a sunny afternoon while demonstrating their solidarity and mutual support. There is always space for diversity.
Brother and Sister enjoy the afternoon in the shelter of Escuintla Guatemala. There is always space for diversity.
In 2017, Mohammadou, 53, returned to his home in Damasak, northeast Nigeria to find his home burnt down. He fled the Boko Haram crisis in November 2014. For three years, he lived in a refugee camp in Gamari, Niger. His disability prevented him from accessing humanitarian aid as a refugee. In 2018, NRC helped Mohammadou rebuid his home.
No home was spared when Boko Haram captured Damasak in November 2014. With her husband killed during the attack, Hassana fled with her two children, becoming a refugee in Niger. Unhappy begging on the streets she chose to return home after three years. Hassana now lives in her rehabilitated home. NRC cleared the rubbles, replaced the thatch roof with metal sheets and installed new doors and windows.
Women construction teams working on wattle and daub rehabilitation for Burundian returnees from United Republic of Tanzania. Voluntary Repatriation of 2018.
Woman showing her house during rehabilitation works. Voluntary Repatriation of 2018 for Burundian returnees from United Republic of Tanzania.
Safe Shelter & Settlement awareness workshop attended by women at the informal settlement. The workshop is done separating men from women to secure free space for everyone to speak on their concerns, needs and capacities. Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
Child-friendly services targeting different age groups, including child-friendly spaces and other related services aimed at improving the well-being of children and their families. The spaces are for migrants stranded in Greece after the EU-Turkey agreement.
A young woman carried a shelter kit she just received to her shelter. Her family will use it to improve their living conditions in one of the most overcrowded displacement camps in the world.
A local labourer translates for an older woman as she queues at a shelter distribution. She will also receive support in carrying and implementing the materials she is supplied with. IDPs in Gedeo-West Guji, Ethiopia.
Women sit under a tarp in the muddy ground, which they share with many other people. Displaced by inter-community fighting, they will continue to sleep there until large temporary communal shelters are constructed. IDPs in Gedeo-West Guji, Ethiopia.
Baba Moses, 39, a refugee from Pabanga village, Central Equatorial State, South Sudan. He arrived in Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, Uganda, on 8th November 2016. Baba was selected by CRS to receive support including a house construction because of disabilities (mental disorder and leg paralysis) that could not enable him to support himself.
A latrine that was constructed alongside Baba Moses’s house. The latrine is part of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene facility that CRS constructs for each house. Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, Uganda.
A man picks up a bucket lid and hands it over to a woman beneficiary who has just collected her SNFI and WASH items. Pieri, Jonglei State, South Sudan.
Beneficiary presenting her recently constructed her own fuel-efficient stove. Bentiu PoC Site, South Sudan.
Beneficiary presenting her recently constructed her own fuel-efficient stove. Bentiu PoC Site, South Sudan.
Category 3 - Environment and local building cultures
Shelter built with traditional materials next to a goat shed in Kabassa IDP settlement, Dolow, Somalia.
Different houses built with local techniques around a yard, in a village affected by the earthquake in 2018 in the Highlands region, Papua New Guinea.
Earthquake resistant house constructed with local materials and local technology in Nuwakot, Nepal.
Shelter constructed using stone masonry, RCC bands and light roofing structures in Nepal after the 2015 earthquake.
This two-storey bamboo learning centre provides learning facilities to Rohingya children. A perfect example of environmentally friendly infrastructure incorporating local building culture and yet architecturally modern.
Very fast recovery within days of the cyclone using traditional construction techniques. Tanna Island, Vanuatu.
Evidence of the ni-Vanuatu people successfully preparing for the cyclone by protecting the roofs with palm branches. Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam in 2015.
The Nepalese have a strong culture of construction with very skilled artisans. Reconstruction after the Gorkha earthquake 2015.
Construction of roofing structure for Resilient Shelters by Construction Committee and Community Leaders in Kolom, Abyei, South Sudan.
International and local know-how. Cash for work programme to build service shelters combining engineers' design and local building cultures. Rohingya refugee crisis, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
International and local know-how. Cash for work programme to build service shelters combining engineers' design and local building cultures. Rohingya refugee crisis, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh.
Ensuring the welfare of the sheltered does not have to go against the environment. IOM donated solar panels so that families can have better conditions in the shelter. Guatemala, 2018.
The families in the shelter have garbage dumps for recycling and waste. In the background the volcano of fire that erupted on June 3, 2018 causing the displacement of more than 4,700 people from their homes. Ensuring the welfare of the sheltered does not have to go against the environment.
Installation of solar panels in the ATUS Escuintla shelter donated for the control and registration of the people housed. Guatemala, 2018.
Local construction material distributions for improvement of the shelters in the IDP site of San Pablo. Local transport of the materials through donkeys from distribution site to the shelters. Peru Floods 2017.
Safe Shelter & Settlement awareness workshop attended by men in the refugee settlement in Cox's Bazar. The workshop is done separating men from women to secure free space for everyone to speak on their concerns, needs and capacities.
A local labourer constructs a temporary shelter to house new arrivals who have recently crossed the border into Bangladesh from Myanmar. The shelter will provide a shade for people while they for their starter shelter kits and will provide a place to sleep, as needed.
Local labourers construct a temporary communal shelter for people displaced by fighting between communities in Gedeo-West Guji.
Young children watch local labourers construct communal shelters for displaced people in West Guji, Ethiopia. They wear blankets to keep themselves warm in the early winter morning.
After the devastated earthquake 2015, Nepal is still struggling for reconstruction and recovery as we can see people are still using the relief materials provided in 2015 for livelihood activity such as livestock.
After the devastated earthquake 2015, many people has been displaced from there area of origin and some of the IDPs settled in their old place after getting support from government and other international partners. Locals have started their livelihood by building houses for shelter.
IDPs have built their own shelters from local materials found in the Lake Chad and have found ways to share household items. Magui Village Liwa Sous-Prefecture Lake Region, Chad.
Displaced Somali woman smiles for the camera with her floral outfit echoing the Little Sun’s floral shape. Dollo Ado, Ethiopia.
Displaced Somali beneficiary gazes at the horizon wearing the Little Sun solar lamp. Dollo Ado, Ethiopia.
Mother smilingly puts the Little Sun around her neck while her child look up to her. Dollo Ado, Ethiopia.
Site improvements, structural repair and renovation works across Kutupalong refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
Category 4 - Security of tenure
Displaced households live within plots of conflict-damaged houses in the town of Banki, north-east Nigeria. Multiple claims over properties and increased population returns may cause disputes and further conflict along the line.
IDP settlement in Kismayo, Somalia. People fleeing conflict and drought settled on public land to reduce the risk of evictions, which are more common on private land.
Many children play in the recreation area installed in the settlement. The goal is to make beneficiaries feel at home.
Children play in the temporary settlement for people affected by the volcanic eruption in Guatemala.
Children play in the temporary settlement for people affected by the volcanic eruption in Guatemala.
Nuevo Eleuterio Cisneros from IDP site to long-term house invasions in desert lands. Peru, 2017.
New Rohingya refugee arrivals are guided by IOM staff while carrying their shelter kits to new areas of the camp which are less crowded. With such a large amount of people arriving in such a short time, the Bangladesh Government temporarily gave land from a forest nature reserve for the displaced communities to live on.
A young girl peers into a makeshift shelter on the grounds of a church, which temporarily gave land to thousands of people, who were displaced with little to nothing by fighting between two communities neighbouring each other. West Guji, Ethiopia.
A Rohingya refugee woman and her young son wait for their details to be taken following their arrival to one of the largest refugee camps in the world. After that, the family with others will be guided to less-crowded areas of the camp which have been agreed upon with the Bangladesh Government since they had temporarily given land from a natural reserve for shelters to be build upon.