Information Management Community of Practice

Community of Practice
Shelter Severity Classification

Alert for Rapid Response - Volcanic Eruption, DRC and Rwanda

Volcanic Eruption, DRC and Rwanda

There is an alert for rapid response for the Volcanic Eruption, DRC and Rwanda.  A Shelter Cluster Information Manager is requested for 3 months (although shorter availability will be considered), based in Goma, DRC. French language skills are required for this position.  The Information Manager will be supporting the UNHCR led shelter cluster. This alert is in response to a request from UNHCR for support in line with IFRC`s Global Shelter Cluster leadership role for natural disasters. 

Please confirm availability in the next 48 hours to  informing the length of your availability and if your mission cannot be fully supported by your NS.
For more information on the response please visit IFRC GO