North West South West
Cash for rents and distribution of NFI in the NWR
- NRC distributed to 50 Vulnerable households selected in Sisia community of the NWR. These households were given 25000frs each as rental assistance per month. which will go on for a period of 3 months.
- H4BF carried distribution of NFI kits, WASH training and GBV sensitization in the community of Nkambe in the Donga-Mantung Division of the NWR in the month of August. this distribution targeted 100 household. Items distributed was 300 bars of soap and 50 hygiene kits.
- UNHCR and Caritas Bamenda had referred 11 POCs and they were assisted with kits at the AIRD warehouse. These 11 kits distributed were balance of kits distributed in Bambui.
Cash for rents and distribution of NFI in the NWR
-50 Vulnerable households were identified and selected in Sisia community of the NWR. the households were given 25000frs each as rental assistance per month. this assistance will go on for a period of 3 months.
-H4BF carried distribution of NFI kits, WASH training and GBV sensitization in the community of Nkambe in the Donga-Mantung Division of the NWR in the month of August. this distribution targeted 100 household. Items distributed was 300 bars of soap and 50 hygiene kits.
- UNHCR and Caritas Bamenda had referred 11 POCs and they were assisted with kits at the AIRD warehouse. These 11 kits distributed were balance of kits distributed in Bambui.
-H4BF carried distribution of NFI kits, WASH training and GBV sensitization in the community of Nkambe in the Donga-Mantung Division of the NWR in the month of August. this distribution targeted 100 household. Items distributed was 300 bars of soap and 50 hygiene kits.
- UNHCR and Caritas Bamenda had referred 11 POCs and they were assisted with kits at the AIRD warehouse. These 11 kits distributed were balance of kits distributed in Bambui.
50 Vulnerable households were identified and selected in Sisia community of the NWR. the households were given 25000frs each as rental assistance per month. this assistance will go on for a period of 3 months.
H4BF carried distribution of NFI kits, WASH training and GBV sensitization in the community of Nkambe in the Donga-Mantung Division of the NWR in the month of August. this distribution targeted 100 household. Items distributed was 300 bars of soap and 50 hygiene kits.