In regions Africa and Cameroon and in groups Cameroon and Africa

North West South West


31st of August 2022 Shelter Cluster Meeting

Summary of Action Points

  • Shelter Cluster partners to share comments on Terms of Reference for Cash Training on Shelter with the Shelter Cluster team. Consider your programmatic needs for the following year when providing comments. 
  • Shelter Cluster partners to provide any comments on the market monitoring form and to start using it in their programming. 
  • NRC, DRC, and CRS to provide updates on the use of the Shelter Kit Checklist tool for their upcoming Shelter kit distributions. 
  • Shelter Cluster Partners to submit to the 5W by 7th September. 
  • DRC to report planned communities for upcoming distributions in Kupe-Muanenguba Division. 
  • IRC to report on planned communities for upcoming distributions in the NW.
  • UNHCR to work with Shelter Cluster coordinator on beneficiary selection form for Cash For Shelter.
  • NRC to finalize Cash for Rent lessons learned and to present in the next Shelter Cluster meeting. 
  • COHESODEC to update the cleaning of their data collection to share with Shelter Cluster partners. 
  • Shelter Cluster partners able to provide assistance to some of the victims of burnt shelters to contact COHESODEC.
  • Shelter Cluster Coordinator to circulate UNHCR cash for shelter beneficiary selection form for partners to provide inputs. 
  • Shelter Cluster to communicate updated dates for the SW workshop on HPC and on Post Distribution Monitoring in light of upcoming lockdowns. There are currently two options for the SW: 29-30 September 1st October if no lockdown and after the 15th of October if there is a lockdown announced. 

Recording of Meeting

Updates from Shelter Cluster Partners

  • Caritas had no distributions in August but was engaged in prepatory activities for their upcoming distributions including selection of beneficiaries. NW targets: 500 HHs in Fundong and 500 HHs in Njinikom in Boyo; 1000 HHs in Menchum 500 in Weh and 500 in Esu. Caritas is planning to distribute 1900 shelter kits to 6 communities in Meme in Kumba 1, Kumba 3, and Konje. These 3 subdivisions will receive 1000 kits. Figures for shelter are just now estimates but UNHCR and Caritas may approach COHESODEC to support some of the shelter victims of burnt houses presented earlier. 
  • IRC is going to distribute 200 NFI and hygiene kits for 200 households in the Northwest. Distribution will be done in late October or early November. No more distributions in SW are planned at the moment. 
  • CRS did not do any topups in August, but 898 households have redeemed since the July update. On Post Distribution monitoring, CRS will have one upcoming. 
  • DRC did not carry out any activity in the month of August, but they plan to distribute Shelter and NFI kits to 3150 households (600 households in voucher form) Meme and Kuape-Manengumba Divisions starting at the end of September.
  • NRC distributed cash for rent to 50 households in Bamenda and next week 50 households in Kumbo in the SW will receive their cash for rent.
  • UNHCR is starting a cash for shelter intervention and they would like to ask Shelter Cluster partners support in identifying beneficiaries. They will share with the Shelter Cluster the form to share with cluster partners.