North West South West
4th May Northwest Southwest Cameroon Shelter Cluster Online Meeting
Summary Action Points of the Meeting
- A walk through of the 5W was conducted during the meeting. Shelter Cluser partners should submit their reports to the Kobo tool by the 10th of May. A revision to the tool was the inclusion of the provision of gps point to mark the specific village and location where partners are working. AMEF raised the concern about fear of confiscation of the phone in the field. The Cluster Coordinator demonstrated how on the Kobo form using open street map and also google maps, one could put the gps point without having to use the phone in the field.
- CRS suggested to add additional items to the category for the indicator on # of items by type. Mattresses and solar lamps were added in addition to the category of other to write in other items. The Coordinator also remarked that the remarks space had been helpful in estimating the number of items distributed as reported by parnters, but cluster partners were encouraged to fill out this element of the Kobo form.
- CUAPWD requested to add Persons with Disabilities to the Kobo form on the details about people reached with completed projects. This was also done post the meeting.
- In terms of further updates to the 5W Interactive Dashboard, CRS requested to include age and gender breakdown to the dashboard. The Cluster Coordinator replied that this could be done following more reports submitted by parnters. Partners who are reporting completed activities are reminded to fill out the categories of age and gender reached in addition to number of persons with disability reached.
- The Cluster Coordinator presented the updated Activity Matrix as a result of the two workshops held in April. The final version of the matrix would be circulated after the meeting and partners were asked to review it and provide their feedback before it becomes the final version.
- The Shelter Cluster coordinator would be updating the Strategy based on this matrix and circulating the new draft to partners for their feedback.
- Shelter Cluster partners were presented the Photo collection tool requested by partners in both workshops. The tool is a quick and easy to use way of sharing your photos with the cluster. Partners were reminded that any photos including faces of beneficiaries that it was required to have the consent of the beneficiary prior to shraing with the cluster.
- Shelter Cluster Coordinator will circulate the links to the maps on the OCHA MSNA. A map on informal settlements and market access is yet to be produced and will also be shared with partners.
- IRC was unable to attend the meeting due to technical difficulties. Their report will be circulated once they give the approval.
Relevant Links from the meeting
- Shelter Cluster Activity Matrix
- May 4 Shelter Cluster Meeting Presentation
- Shelter Cluster 5W
- Shelter Cluster Photo Collection Tool
- Jan-March Interactive Dashboard
- March Shelter Cluster Factsheet
- OCHA MSNA Feb March 2022 Villages where Key Informants reported receiving shelt…
- OCHA MSNA Problems with Past Distributions where NFI support was provided: Dist…
- OCHA MSNA Problems with Past Distributions where NFI support was provided: No I…
- NW Shelter Cluster Strategy Workshop and Assessment Infographics
- SW Shelter Cluster Strategy Workshop and Assessment Infographics
Updates from Partners
- CRS registered 2224 households in preparation for the implementation of their NFI voucher program. They are currently doing beneficiary scoring. They also conducted due dilligence for 71 vendors of which they will likely select 50 of them to work with in their target locations.
- ACOHOF encoutnered some access and security challenges in Tatum, so they are looking at how they can support the cluster on the issues of accountability that was reported during the workshop in Bamenda in mid April. They will share a concept note with the Cluster coordinator on their idea.
- COHESODEC has documented 195 houses that were burned during the course of the crisis in Buyo, Fondong, and Mezam Divisions. Several of the affected households who are in displaced were referred to IRC to see if they could be included in IRC's next round of NFI distributions.
- CUAPWD is conducting an assessment on disability in 29 of the 34 subdivisions of the Northwest region. They hope that the report will be finalized as of the 15th fo May and they would like to present in the next cluster meeting in June.
- ASWEDO is planning some NFI distributions in the next month.
- SHUMAS continues to support IDP students with rental accomodation in Bamenda 3 and Bamendenkwe. They were not yet able to conduct the post distribution monitoring for IDPs receiving the organisation's support in Fudong in February.
- AMEF is planning to work with NRC in the Southwest region.
- IRC was unable to join the meeting due to technical difficulties. In the post distribution monitoring shared with the cluster, the coordinator shared some relevant points on how their beneficiaries evaluated the voucher NFI assistance provided. Soap and cooking pots were ranked as some of the most useful items reported by beneficiaries, in addition to hygiene related items. Beneficiaries were not able to use the voucher amount though to purchase some other relevant items such as bedding and kitchen items. IRC clarified post meeting that their voucher amount covers roughly $60 USD for NFIs and $30 USD for hygiene items.
- MATRAC continues to provide rental accomomdation to 15 IDP families in Akum.
Partners in Attendance in the meeting