In group Shelter and Cash Working Group Shelter Cash and Markets Community of Practice Subscribe to notifications about this community of practice by creating an account or logging in (recommended).Sign up or log in Or enter your email address to subscribe without a user account CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Dashboard Documents (29) Discussions (11) Events (7) Data Collection (1) News (33) Global Shelter Cluster: Shelter, Cash, Markets Community of Practice (CoP): We want to hear from you! Role Country-level cluster coordination team Country-level technical or program staff Regional or HQ technical or program staff Other 1. Which option best describes your current role? Other Role If other role, please specify Organisation Type United Nations (UN) International Non-Government Organisation (NGO) National or local Non-Government Organisation (NGO) Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Donor Private Sector Academia Independent Consultant Other (specify) 2. Which option best describes your current organisation? Other Organisation Type If Other, please specify Priority Topics Rental markets Advocacy for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Shelter Responses Housing Land and Property and Evictions Measuring and tracking shelter outcomes from Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), including Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) Market assessments for shelter responses Common assessment tools Protection risks in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programming Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) design (e.g. restrictions, accompaniment, digital delivery of CVA) Other (specify) 3. What are the top three most critical issues or topics you'd like to see the CoP discuss, explore or focus on in the next 1 - 2 years? Other Priority Topics If Other, please specify Priorities for CoP Showcasing/sharing experiences from different organisations Technical support and guidance for country clusters and practitioners Development of resources to facilitate and promote quality market-based programming, including cash, in shelter responses Support cash and shelter training initiatives Forum to discuss challenges and opportunities Dissemination of best practices and case studies Other (specify) 4. What would you like to see from the CoP in the next 1-2 years (choose your top 3 priorities)? Other CoP Priorities If Other, please specify Frequency Annually Every 6 months Quarterly Ad hoc / as needed 5. How frequently would you like the CoP to have virtual meetings? Engagement Lead a thematic sub-group Join a thematic sub-group Start discussion threads on the website Reply to discussion threads on the website Share technical resources from my agency/others Participate in CoP calls Present experience on CoP calls Other (specify) 6. How would you be willing to engage as a member of the CoP? Other Engagement If Other, please specify Contact Info 7. Please provide your email address so we can get in touch about the areas you have mentioned for engagement (optional) Suggestions 8. Do you have any other suggestions or recommendations for the Shelter, Cash and Markets CoP?