In regions Ukraine and Europe



UKRAINE: Shelter/NFI Cluster Factsheet No 22 (Feb 2017)

UKRAINE: Shelter/NFI Cluster Factsheet No 22 (Feb 2017)
Kostyantyn Dmytrenko
Information Management
Shelter Cluster
Beneficiary Selection Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation Reporting Tools and Guidance IM reports and analysis Dataset Technical Guidance Emergency Winterization Checklist Guidance


- Escalation: In light of a recent escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, the Shelter

Cluster drafted guidance for partners and local authorities to identify correctly

escalations and changes in the crisis to thus facilitate coordination efforts. The

Shelter Cluster’s note focused on two key indicators: number of damages and

number of people internally displaced. Shelter/NFI partners approved the document

at the national cluster meeting on the February 27th 2017.

- Damage Assessment Technical Note: After more than one year of managing the

Shelter Cluster’s Damage Database, the Cluster produced a technical note to guide

partners on essential data that should be collected in order to further coordination

at field level and ensure an adequate shelter response. The technical note also

clarified the differences between standard damage databases and randomized data

collection. Partners also agreed on the use of a centralized data collection tool

through Kobo especially in light of a significant increase of number of homes

damaged. Shelter partners, after discussing this at both subnational and national

levels, endorsed the final version of the note on February 27, 2017.

- Damage Impact: As conflict escalated to an average of 20 homes per day or 140

homes per week, the Shelter Cluster partnered with REACH Initiative to take account

of the damage density around the greater Donetsk City Area in both government

controlled and non-government controlled areas. The map provides a visual

depiction based on the information available to the cluster by the end of February


- Annual Report: As mentioned in the January Factsheet, the Shelter Cluster team

undertook an analysis of Shelter Cluster activities and coordination tools in 2016.

The report was officially released in February.

- Winterization: Despite improving temperature conditions in February, the risk

of colder periods continues, while partners continue to deliver winter assistance in

both Government and Non-Government Controlled Areas. More information on

Government Controlled Areas winterization assistance is on the Shelter Cluster


- Success stories: The Luxembourg Red Cross would like to announce the

completion of its project, Repair and Reconstruction of Houses and Support to IDPs

in Collective Centers in Slavyansk, Donetsk oblast. A review of their project is

showcased in a video produced by the agency.