In region Global and in group Global Shelter Cluster Working Group on NFI practices Subscribe to notifications about this working group by creating an account or logging in (recommended).Sign up or log in Or enter your email address to subscribe without a user account CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Dashboard Documents (88) Discussions (2) Events (1) Data Collection (3) News (8) Pages Needs Assessment and Targeting Contextualization of NFIs Modalities of NFI Distribution (Socio) Technical Assistance Quality Control, Procurement and Logistics Environmental Impact Guidance General Useful Links Disaster Ready: Good Distributions GIZ HERA Cooking Energy Compendium Webinar Series: Sustainable Energy in Humanitarian Settings WFP Handbook on safe access to firewood and alternative energy (SAFE) Prioritization on NFI WG Work Plan for 2021 Please choose the 3 top prioprities for the NFI WG to prioritize in 2021 Localization and Capacity Building of Local Actors in NFI Distribution Guidance or two pager to clarify how to determine standards for NFIs Defining new packages for NFI kits considering emerging trends (COVID19, local materials, flooding conflict; ie contextualization of standard NFI kits Environmental Impact of NFIs; reuse, recyling Energy indicators to measure stronger shelter outcomes Needs assessments and monitoring of NFIs and their effectiveness Fire risks around plastic sheeting, material distribution Cash and voucher modalities for NFI distributions Select the 3 top priorities for the NFI WG to prioritize. Based on the priotization what type of formats would best communicate the output to the field? Word document or pdf 2 pager Checklist for practitioners Video for practitioners Dashboard of resources Online training module Other Please describe what type of products the NFI WG should work on to advance on the topics from above? If other what type of formats? Are you or your agency able to contribute resources, learnings to this work? Yes No Are you or the agency you are representing able to contribute resources to this work? What are you able to contribute? This can be in the form of sharing publications, presenting during NFI WG meetings, participation in a mini working group, time resources to review drafts of products, advising on the products, etc. Please provide your email so we can get in touch with you.