In regions Ukraine and Europe and in group Ukraine

North Hub


Humanitarian Repairs

Humanitarian repairs are those that ensure the safety and dignity of the individuals living in them and enable them to remain in their usual residence. This activity aims to cover the necessary repairs to restore the habitability of homes with minor non-structural conflict-related damages.


                                                                                                              HUMANITARIAN REPAIR (SN301)

  • Humanitarian Repairs of Common Spaces in Multi-Apartment Buildings with conflict-related damage to make damaged apartments eligible for a government compensation program. Includes work on roofs, entrance doors, windows, stairwells.
  • Humanitarian Non-Structural Repairs. Repair of houses and apartments with minor non-structural conflict-related damage (roof, windows).
  • Heavy Repair. These are repairs to private households to restore habitability to homes that have sustained conflict-related structural damage affecting the core integrity of the house.
  •  IDP House Repair. This activity aims to bring houses/apartments in substandard conditions up to the minimum humanitarian standards, enabling IDPs to live in dignity and safety that have not been damaged by hostilities.
  • Humanitarian Repair of Social Facilities. This activity includes the humanitarian repairs of government-led social infrastructure (basic services, schools, medical facilities, etc.) damaged as a result of the conflict.

                                                                                                                COORDINATION AND REPORTING

  • The  SIDAR platform is being used to avoid duplication and ensure effective coordination of humanitarian repair work.
  •  Partners report on project details, activities, targets and locations on the Activity Info platform (Response Planning and Monitoring Platform) by the 10th of each month.
  • International organizations and UN agencies, Ukrainian non-governmental organizations, local authorities, and the Hub coordinator coordinate in Telegram and WhatsApp groups.                                                                                      

                                                                                                                  TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS


                                                                                                                MONITORING VISITS

Shelter Cluster representatives conduct monitoring visits with partners to coordinate humanitarian repair work, assess program effectiveness, understand local conditions and community needs, and improve and align strategies based on feedback for facilities and households damaged by conflict-related damage.

                                                                                                Five monitoring visits were conducted in 2024: