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Shelter Week - Open Space One

Open Space One - 15:30 - 16:15

Moving Forward from Crises: Barriers and Strategies - Room 5

By: Charles Parrack, Oxford Brookes University and University of Sydney

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This session offers humanitarian practitioners the chance to share experiences where it has been difficult to assist households to move beyond crisis response. It follows on from the earlier session around protracted and neglected crises to broaden the discussion by enabling a range of practitioners from different contexts to come forward with their reflections. This discussion will be recorded to feed into and shape the GSC study on Connecting Relief and Recovery.


Short term accommodation in response to Ukraine crisis - Room Six
By Carolina Cordero-Scales

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Local Building Practices as a vehicle for broader impact and greater localization - LAC 200
Olivier Moles and Enrique Sevillano Gutiérrez, CRAterre

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“People affected by a crisis are the first responders, starting their recovery process immediately after the shock; and they will continue to work on improving their lives regardless of external support. The vast majority of affected people, often between 80 and 90 percent, seek shelter and start to recover their homes with little to no external or formal assistance - they ‘self-recover’, relying on their own resources and knowledge”
(Care et al., 2022. Guidance for Supporting Shelter Self-Recovery).

Local Building Practices and Cultures (lifestyles, existing construction sector, natural and human resources, local knowledge, solutions and good practices, and local cultural and social practices such as existing DRR knowledge, know-how and techniques at various scales) can be suitable for supporting self-recovery processes. They can favor the development of shelter and human settlements responses (preparedness, early-recovery or later phases linking with development stages) more focused on localization, reduction of climate change impact, and promotion of self-recovery strategies.


Introduction to the Standards Operating Procedures for Diaspora Engagement in Shelter Response (DESR SOPs) & pathways for integration at country level - Room Three
By Xavier Genot, IOM

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If you want to get a better understand on the DESR SOPs, and their pathway for current integration at country level in Haiti and Philippines.


Balancing Sphere standards with implementation constraints - Room Two
By Karolina Brach, IOM

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Shelter and settlement planning requires cross-sectoral coordination. When site planning is not done at the first stage of the emergency responses , the feasibility of shifting to integrated approaches in the extremely congested camps is challenging. Government rules and regulations have an impact on the settlement planning and shelter constructions in the protracted crisis. How far can the humanitarian approaches and Sphere standards be compromised for dignified living conditions amidst socio-political and spatial constraints?
“Where national standards are lower than the Sphere Minimum Standards, humanitarian organisations should work with the government to progressively raise them. “
The Sphere Handbook, 2018
Starting off by sharing challenges of settlement planning in the Rohingya response, this session will provide a platform to share experience and negotiate on the use of Sphere standards - specifically the living space standards, for shelters and settlement planning, by answering the questions:
What are shelter and settlement standards in the context you are working with?
What are the challenges in using Sphere standards and what are your methods to emphasize Sphere standards?


Discussion on approaches and guidance on Dignified Shelter - LAC 400
By: Tom Bamforth and Alexandre Koclejda, UNHCR

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Shelter provision in protracted crises is often restricted to repeated short-term, emergency response despite evolving humanitarian needs as the length of displacement increases. Going beyond basic emergency shelter provision is often difficult: there is often a lack of funds, political will, donor interest, and unintended impacts of longer term interventions among other issues. This session will discuss approaches to humanitarian shelter in situations of protracted displacement and explore whether further guidance is needed on Dignified Shelter for coordinators facing similar questions.


Urban responses: collaborative rental housing market assessments and analysis in Latin-American and Caribbean - Main Hall
By: Rafael Mattar Neri, UNHCR in collaboration with IFRC, IOM, NRC, REACH and CashCap

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Enable, support and carry out collaborative rental market assessments in Latin American and Caribbean countries

