In region Global

Global Shelter Cluster

Strategic Advisory Groups
Donor Information
Working Groups
Communities of Practice

USAID-BHA Grant 2023-2025


Shelter and settlements (S&S) programming lays the foundation for longer-lasting and more effective humanitarian response and recovery, and directly improves the living conditions and dignity of displaced people and those affected by crisis. Investing in shelter and settlements assistance not only responds
to the immediate needs of people but also lays the foundation for durable solutions through incremental improvements in HLP rights. The multi-sector impact of effective shelter and settlement responses have both immediate and long-term impact on other sectors and interventions through measurable improvements in health (including mental health), child protection, and education; reduction in GBV and domestic violence, and a forward-linkages to longer-term prosperity and increased income, kroe secure livelihoods and personal and financial security. Overall, S&S programs operationalize a protection- centric approach that brings dividends to individuals, families and communities. Therefore, when S&S programs are under-funded, the goals of all other programs are impeded, and the effectiveness of humanitarian responses are compromised.

While S&S assistance has immediate, broad and long-term impact, challenges for the sector lay in budget limitations and stakeholder engagement to create a broad-based understanding of inclusive approaches outside the sector. In fact, the biggest single barrier identified by operational agencies represented in the Strategic Advisory Group of the GSC is the lack of resources for implementing S&S activities that meet the needs of an affected population – this is also mirrored in the coordination mechanisms and advocacy efforts. In these respects, while improvements have been made, silos remain and greater efforts are required.

While the level of S&S funding has increased, it is not aligned with the sharp increases in the number of people forcibly displaced globally. The sector needs to demonstrate impact and effectiveness of interventions more effectively, especially the multi-sector impact on the lives of all affected people, and advocate broadly for increased resources.
