In regions Syria and MENA and in groups Syria and Whole of Syria

North-West Syria Hub



Working closely with its Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) members and Technical Working Groups, as well as with other clusters, S/NFI is advocating for a strengthened humanitarian response in North-west Syria. Ranging from dignified shelter solutions and timely, scaled-up winterization, to mitigating the risks associated with GBV and shelter, and responding to impacts of climate change. 


Advocacy Papers

Joint Message on Winter in North-West Syria(S/NFI, CCCM & Protection Clusters)


A joint message on winterization in North-West Syria from the SNFI, CCCM and Protection Clusters.

A timely winterization response will mitigate protection risks, including for children, older persons, and other vulnerable groups, and reduce negative coping mechanisms. With winter just around the corner, current underfunding will leave one million people without life-saving winter assistance.

SNFI Winterization Advocacy Paper 2022-2023 Updated Version


Updated as of 27 September 2022. Long, extremely cold and unpredictable winters in NW Syria cause acute suffering for 2 million people living without adequate shelter.

Dignified Shelter Advocacy Paper


There is an urgent need to replace tents in NWS with medium term, robust shelter with greater privacy, security and protection. 

SNFI Winterization Advocacy Paper 2022-2023


Long, extremely cold and unpredictable winters in NW Syria cause acute suffering for 2 million people living without adequate shelter.

Unmet Shelter Needs


2.2 million people are in need of shelter assistance in North-west Syria.

Climate Change, Conflict and Shelter in North-West Syria


Displaced communities in North-West Syria are at the forefront of the climate emergency.

GBV Risk Mitigation and Shelter Response in North-West Syria


Inadequate shelter in NW Syria makes the risk of GBV severe.

Improving Shelter Conditions


More dignified shelters and communities will save lives, increase resilience and reduce dependency on aid.