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REACH was created in 2010 as a joint initiative of two INGOs (Impact Initiatives and ACTED) and one UN program (UNOSAT) aiming at promoting and facilitating the development of information products in humanitarian crisis.

At a global level, REACH partners with humanitarian coordination platforms (i.e. Global Shelter Cluster) in order to strengthen tools and methodologies related to: secondary data review; primary data-collection through assessment and remote sensing; data-storage; data-processing into maps and reports, capitalisation and dissemination of data.

At country level, REACH teams are deployed to countries in crisis or at-risk-of-crisis in order to facilitate interagency collection, processing and dissemination of key humanitarian data.

In 2011 REACH formalised a partnership with the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) to support the strengthening of its coordination and planning capacity. In the scope of this, REACH works closely with cluster members and co-lead agencies (IFRC and UNHCR) in order to facilitate the development of cluster information management methodologies and tools as well as, upon request, to deploy dedicated teams in the aftermath of emergencies.

REACH support to the shelter cluster at field level includes

  • To facilitate coordination and implementation of shelter cluster assessments in the aftermath of a disaster by (1) providing, upon request, dedicated human resources (2) facilitating assessments coordination and roll-outs in the field (3) ensuring timely assessment data analysis and diffusion of its results to enable quick and informed decision making
  • To strengthen shelter cluster information management resources by (1) providing, upon request, dedicated human resources at field level, (2) facilitate analysis and dissemination of assessments results, (3) support 3W update and mapping, database set-up/update and mapping of other assessment findings and (4) the establishment of interactive web-maps
  • To promote relevant use of satellite and remote sensor data by providing direct linkages between the country-level shelter cluster and UNOSAT analysis and satellite imageries resources.

REACH support to the Shelter Cluster at global level includes: set up a (1) global database and (2) interactive web-mapping on GSC activities that will combine the information systems set up during targeted emergencies and (3) providing easy references and tools for disseminating information.

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