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REACH Partnership

REACH was created in 2010 as a joint initiative of two INGOs (Impact Initiatives and ACTED) and one UN program (UNOSAT) aiming at promoting and facilitating the development of information products in humanitarian crisis.

At a global level, REACH partners with humanitarian coordination platforms (i.e. Global Shelter Cluster) in order to strengthen tools and methodologies related to: secondary data review; primary data-collection through assessment and remote sensing; data-storage; data-processing into maps and reports, capitalisation and dissemination of data.

At country level, REACH teams are deployed to countries in crisis or at-risk-of-crisis in order to facilitate interagency collection, processing and dissemination of key humanitarian data.

In 2011 REACH formalised a partnership with the Global Shelter Cluster (GSC) to support the strengthening of its coordination and planning capacity. In the scope of this, REACH works closely with cluster members and co-lead agencies (IFRC and UNHCR) in order to facilitate the development of cluster information management methodologies and tools as well as, upon request, to deploy dedicated teams in the aftermath of emergencies.

REACH support to the shelter cluster at field level includes:

  • To facilitate coordination and implementation of shelter cluster assessments in the aftermath of a disaster by (1) providing, upon request, dedicated human resources (2) facilitating assessments coordination and roll-outs in the field (3) ensuring timely assessment data analysis and diffusion of its results to enable quick and informed decision making
  • To strengthen shelter cluster information management resources by (1) providing, upon request, dedicated human resources at field level, (2) facilitate analysis and dissemination of assessments results, (3) support 3W update and mapping, database set-up/update and mapping of other assessment findings and (4) the establishment of interactive web-maps
  • To promote relevant use of satellite and remote sensor data by providing direct linkages between the country-level shelter cluster and UNOSAT analysis and satellite imageries resources.

REACH support to the Shelter Cluster at global level includes: set up a (1) global database and (2) interactive web-mapping on GSC activities that will combine the information systems set up during targeted emergencies and (3) providing easy references and tools for disseminating information.

The table below lists all completed Shelter Cluster assessments that were facilitated by REACH over the course of the years.





Datasets / Resources

Niger Niger 2019 REACH supported the Shelter/NFI Cluster to provide an overview of shelter and NFI needs of populations affected by the displacement crisis in Diffa, including identifying disparities between areas surveyed and changes since the previous year.  Terms of reference (includes questionnaires)
Niger 2018 This assessment aimed to fill specific information gaps identified in previous years, as well as provided updated information on shelter/NFI needs.  Terms of reference, questionnaire, dataset
Niger 2017 In collaboration with the Shelter/NFI cluster, REACH supported this assessment to provide an updated overview of shelter/NFI needs to facilitate emergency response planning.  Terms of reference, questionnaire, dataset
Niger 2016 In partnership with UNHCR and in collaboration with the Shelter/NFI Cluster, REACH supported an assessment on the state of shelter and the need for non-food items amongst displaced, host and returnee populations, as well as how this is affected by return and movement intentions.  Terms of reference
Niger 2015 REACH supported a rapid assessment to understand trends in living conditions of displaced households, with an emphasis on how access to shelter and non-food items has been affected by the crisis. SNFI Assessment Report, Niger, January 2016  
Cameroon Cameroon 2018 The Shelter Cluster, with support from REACH, conducted an assessment of conflict-affected populations across Cameroon following escalation in tensions and displacement. Shelter/NFI Needs Assessment Report, Cameroon, December 2018  
DRC DRC Crisis 2018 The Shelter and WASH Clusters, with the support of REACH, implemented a joint WASH / Shelter assessment to collect and analyze data, strengthen evaluation capacities of partners, and promote inter-sectoral analysis.  Terms of reference
Syrian Arab Republic Syria Crisis 2018 In 2018, REACH supported the Shelter/NFI Cluster and UNCHR to conduct the third comprehensive assessment of shelter / NFI needs in North-West and North-East Syria.  Terms of reference, Report annexes
Syria Crisis 2017 Following the 2016 assessment, REACH supported UNHCR and the Shelter/NFI Cluster to conduct a follow-up assessment of shelter / NFI needs across Syria.

Terms of referenceHH datasetKI dataset

Syria Crisis 2016 In 2016, with the support of REACH, UNHCR and the Shelter/NFI Cluster undertook the first comprehensive assessment of shelter and NFI needs across northern and southern Syria. The assessment aimed to identify shelter vulnerabilities among the population of targeted areas, as well as assess availability of and access to NFIs and priority shelter/NFI needs. 
Afghanistan Flood response monitoring 2017 REACH, in collaboration with the Shelter Cluster, conducted a comprehensive shelter flood response evaluation to assess levels of self-recovery, remaining needs and coping strategies of affected populations.  Afghanistan (North) Flood Response Evaluation Assessment, February 2017  
Earthquake Badakhshan response evaluation 2016 REACH, on behalf of the Global Shelter Cluster, conducted this emergency Shelter / NFI assessment to evaluate the effect of emergency shelter responses on household shelter conditions, following the October 2015 Badakhshan earthquake.  Badakhshan Earthquake Response Assessment, December 2016  
Occupied Palestinian Territories OPT 2016 In 2016, REACH supported the Shelter Cluster to evaluate outcomes and impact of the provision of emergency, transitional, and permanent shelter assistance in response to the 2014 conflict in Gaza, and to consolidate shelter-related lessons learned from the response. REACH Country page: 1 article / 1 report No primary data collection.


Nepal Monsoon Preparedness Assessment 2016

One assessment was conducted in preparation of the monsoon.

Included in links below

Monsoon Preparedness data in the report – micro-level analysis section

Nepal Earthquake April 2015 One baseline and one outcome monitoring assessments were conducted.

All Resource Centre products related to shelter

REACH Website: 4 articles linked to SC products

ToRs, tools, and raw data, retrievable here.
Ukraine Ukraine Internal Displacement Crisis 2015 In February 2015, in partnership with the Global Shelter Cluster, REACH provided a detailed baseline needs assessment of the displaced population (especially in terms of shelter and NFI), which identified areas of priority need, informed targeted planning by humanitarian actors and allowed for the monitoring of ongoing humanitarian response. Shelter and NFI Assessment Report, Ukraine, August 2015 Terms of reference, questionnaires, dataset
Vanuatu Cyclone Pam 2015 REACH was deployed to support the Global Shelter Cluster response through a baseline and a response monitoring assessment.

All resources available and link to the RC on REACH Website Vanuatu Country page

On the RC: 1 FS, 2 reports, 5 maps

Cleaned datasets:



South Sudan South Sudan Displacement Crisis 2014 In 2014 REACH have engaged with the Shelter and CCCM clusters to profile IDP settlements, including Protection of Civilians (POC) sites, and study displacement patterns of IDPs.

3 Factsheets and 5 maps on Resource Centre – page 10 of UNMISS sites

Iraq Iraq 2014 With regard to the IDP crisis REACH supported humanitarian planning at both the strategic and operational levels. Strategic level information products aimed at informing overall humanitarian indicators and responses: examples include the Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment of IDPs living in non-camp settings, which informed planning for the Immediate Response Plan (IRP2), and cluster-specific assessments such as the joint Shelter and CCCM Cluster Assessment to inform the Humanitarian Needs Overview.

Shelter and CCCM Cluster Assessment Report

Resource Centre Iraq page for other multi-cluster products

Somalia Somalia 2014 An evaluation was conducted on three types of shelter interventions. In addition, a training module was developed for the shelter cluster. 26 maps/5 FS on Resource Centre  
Somalia Displacement Crisis 2012 REACH was first deployed to Somalia in July 2012 to provide surge capacity and technical support to the Tri-Cluster Strategy (Shelter/NFI-Health-WASH). A number of intercluster assessments were produced as a result.

Report on Shelter Sector review

26 maps/5 FS on Resource Centre

All survey/dataset on shelter assessments in Somalia (+ survey from Tri-Cluster) available on the RC here
Central African Republic CAR 2013/2014 In late 2013, following the Level 3 crisis declaration, REACH was mobilized again to facilitate a shelter sector assessment in Bangui, where half of the identified 830,000 IDPs were reported as staying. 2013: shelter sector assessment in Bangui + 25 maps on the RC page 2-3 published in 2014  
CAR 2012 REACH was first deployed to the CAR in April 2012 to support the recently re-activated UNHCR-led Shelter Cluster in the development of a country strategy. Following the completion of a Secondary Data review, REACH undertook a three week field mission to facilitate an inter-agency assessment in the North-West of the country. Secondary data review, REACH Assessment in the North-West of the country. + 19 maps on RC page 3  
Philippines Philippines Typhoon Haiyan 2013 Three assessments were conducted: a baseline and two outcome monitoring exercises.  Assessment report (2014), Factsheets, Outcome monitoring report (2016)




Philippines Bohol Earthquake 2013 A baseline assessment was conducted for the Shelter Cluster. Assessment report Questionnaire
Philippines Typhoon Bopha 2012 A baseline assessment and impact evaluation were conducted for the Shelter Cluster. Assessment report  
Philippines Tropical Storm Washi 2011 A baseline assessment was conducted for the Shelter Cluster. Initial assessment reportFinal assessment report  
Bangladesh Cyclone Mahasen 2013 A few days into the emergency phase, REACH deployed a team to Bangladesh to support the Phase 3 Detailed Assessment, a joint initiative of the Government of Bangladesh and the Shelter, WASH, and Early Recovery Clusters. Over 4600 households were interviewed for the assessement. Tropical Storm Mahasen in Bangladesh: Phase 3 Shelter, WASH, Early Recovery Detailed Assessment Series of maps and webmaps. Terms of reference, Household tool, KI tool
Mali Mali 2013 In October 2013 REACH was deployed to Mali by the shelter cluster to conduct a rapid needs assessment in Timbuktu and Gao regions. Rapid needs assessment in Timbuktu and Gao regions  
Mali Displacement Crisis 2012 Within the framework of its partnership with the Global Shelter Cluster, REACH was first deployed to Mali in November 2012 to provide shelter assessments and IM capacity to the country cluster and its members. REACH objectives were to understand and map displacement trends and assess Internally Displaced Persons’ needs. Shelter sector secondary data review as well as an assessment and mapping of Bamako’s informal settlements.  
Peru Peru Loreto Region Floods 2012 In support to the humanitarian response, a Shelter Cluster was activated in Peru in early June in partnership with the UN humanitarian team in Lima. REACH teams were deployed to Peru thereafter to conduct an HH level assessment (covering over 1300 households) on the impact of the flooding on the shelter sector in the Loreto Region.  Rapid shelter assessment report and mapping exercise (also in Spanish)  
Libya Libya Crisis 2011 REACH was first deployed in Libya in May 2011 to help fill information gaps among humanitarian actors through the facilitation of interagency assessments and the provision of mapping services. In partnership with the Global Shelter Cluster, REACH facilitated a comprehensive assessment of shelter damaged by conflict throughout Libya, covering over 10,000 households.   Assessment of shelters damaged by conflict, Webmap and maps here  
Kyrgyzstan Southern Kyrgyzstan Tensions 2010 Conduct of interagency assessment of every shelter that was damaged by violence. The resulting report and webmap was then used to monitor response progress.  Assessment report; webmap EN / RU All datasets, questionnaires, maps can be found on the webmap websites