In region Resources and in group Resources

Global Shelter Cluster Information Management and Assessment Toolkit

IM Competency Framework and Learning Pathway
IMAS Toolkit

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GSC IM Competency Framework

The GSC IM Competency Framework is a categorization of the skillsets that are required by individuals who are typically deployed within Shelter Cluster Coordination teams during humanitarian responses.  These skillsets are further divided against three tiers of abilities with Tier One being the most basic and rudimentary of skills and Tier Three being the most advanced level of skills.

It is acknowledged that individuals will likely not have equal credential across all competency disciplines and a certain deployment may require variable tier levels unique for that context.  Ultimately, this provides a guide on what skill levels are useful for consideration of the abilities of an individual to perform for a particular role.

The Framework is organized with the following themes:

Shelter Technical Competencies – ability to understand basic technical principles within the sector

Shelter Programming Competencies – ability to understand shelter programming topics

Shelter Coordination Competencies – ability to perform coordination activities within the larger humanitarian system

Information Management Technical Competencies – ability to perform the technical requirements for IM functions

The Full Framework is available here.

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