In region Resources and in group Resources

GSC Coordination Toolkit


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1I: Cluster Co-Chair

Under the IASC Transformative Agenda, Cluster Lead Agencies were encouraged to consider developing a clearly defined, agreed and supported sharing of cluster leadership by NGOs wherever feasible. For this reason, the Shelter Cluster where possible select a cluster member organization as Cluster Co-Chair. While sharing leadership, the Cluster Lead Agency maintains the accountability to the HCT and as Provider of Last Resort for the Shelter Cluster. This means that during HCT meetings, the Cluster Lead Agency representative is responsible for representing the decisions of the Shelter Cluster and for ensuring that the Cluster Lead Agency has the capacity to act as provider of last resort. The Cluster lead agency remains the provider of last resort, which means that the Cluster Lead Agency where necessary, and depending on access, security and availability of funding must be ready to ensure the provision of services required to fill critical gaps identified by the cluster. The Co-Chair Agency on the other hand does not have these responsibilities.

1J: (MOU Template). This MoU is a template, please replace the name of the Cluster Lead Agency when necessary). 

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